Categories: LifeStyle

by admin


Categories: LifeStyle

by admin


I have to admit it was a bit painful to write this one. I feel like the bearer of bad news, because turns out there are a lot of tasty food combinations that are terrible for your health. Sometimes when we combine two amazing foods, their health risks together are greater than the sum of their parts.

Combining the wrong foods can lead to slower digestion, altered gut bacteria, and even illness. I would never tell you to give up all of these combos, but start paying attention to how you feel after eating them.

No offense to your high school self, but your past diet of pizza and soda was incredibly bad for your health. «Soda and pizza, or anything with high fructose corn syrup, and refined carbs increases false hunger pangs and decreases satiety,» explained hysician, health coach, and chef Colin Zhu, DO told me.


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